Jeffery Roark


Hi Michael,
Just dropping you a quick note.
I’m 40, and I train in martial arts 2x per week, and you can guess, I’m the oldest.
I have been hanging with all the 20 year old kids relatively easy
(I was former Marine – so still in decent shape).
I want to share some of the results I’ve been getting with Heavyhands.
Heavyhands are changing my jiu-jitsu game.
First off, I’m getting multiple results from my 3-4 days per week of Heavy Hands.
First and foremost my strength and conditioning are now so far beyond others I train with, and it’s amazing.
My arms and grip feel like they have endless energy and strength with lungs the size of beach balls!
I know this will sound sort of strange to some readers, but until you get into it and it hits you it probably won’t make a lick of sense!
I have two measurements that I have to use to judge the effectiveness of the Heavyhands exercises.
They are BJJ/grappling and the riding a Schwinn Airdyne stationary bike.
I know the Airdyne one will have your readers scratching their heads but I will explain shortly after I discuss the most important for me, my grappling conditioning.
As anyone who has done BJJ or any type of hard grappling will tell you arm and forearm/grip fatigue is a killer when grappling.
Once your shoulders, arms, and especially your forearms get fatigued, you can’t hand fight or hold anything.
Most people who have heard of BJJ know it’s not about strength, but technique and leverage, which is true.
But let me assure you, one must be strong and conditioned to go all out on a roll after roll after roll training.
If you can’t hand fight or get grips, you’re swimming with the sharks and bleeding like a stuck pig.
At my age of 40, I have to have something in my back pocket to keep me on the mat with all the 20 year old guys I train with, and that’s Heavyhands.
Over the past 2 weeks I have seen unreal improvements in my grip strength and endurance.
This past Tuesday I put in 3 hard 15-20 minute rolls, I am talking about 90-100% rolls, and my arms never failed me.
It seemed that the longer I went, the stronger I got.
Maybe it was my grip and pressure was weakening my training partners much quicker than before.
I was locking up crushing Kimura locks quickly along with being able to forcefully dig my way into thick collar holds for chokes.
I felt like the shark for once and felt like I was taking them out into the deep water where there was no escaping my strength and conditioning.
My wind?
Never caught a hard breath and breathed through my nose most of the rolls.
Heavyhands has been so dramatic that the wife has even started Heavy handing it and now I have to share my heavy hands with the her since she’s seen the physical appearance improvements.
Here’s the deal on the Airdyne.
The mornings she is Heavyhanding it, I am riding the Airdyne.
Here’s something interesting I’ve found.
I used to able to ride at between 48-53 rpm to get into my heart rate zone and the riding wasn’t physically hard at all.
Now, for me to get into in my HR zone i am having to pedal at 58-63 rpm to just stay in the zone.
For me, riding at this pace for 30-45 minutes becomes agonizing.
My legs and arms burn like crazy and I look down at my HR monitor, and I am humming along at 133-135 bpm.
If things keep going like this I’ll be riding at my old sprint speeds just to get into my aerobic zone.
Here is all I am going to say about my appearance.
I am much more vascular than I have ever been, and let me tell you my arms are extremely vascular now.
I now have muscles I never knew existed.
I am noticing a thickening around the inside of my elbow joints that I have never had before.
My BF is now at 12%, and I have veins in my lower abs.
Here is the best thing of all, I am not “dieting” anymore.
The Heavy Hands are affecting my appetite just like you get from hard swimming.
I always became ravenous after swimming, and no other activity produced that effect with me other than Heavy Hands.
It’s like I can’t get enough food now.
I used to get fat on 2100 calories per day and now I’d guess I am eating closer to 3000 give or take a few.
I can eat what I want now and eat until I am fully satisfied to nearly stuffed 3-4 times per day with no issues.
I’ll never have to diet again with Heavy Hands.
No more destroyed metabolism here!
PS. Us older guys can still be good, we just have to be patient and let our exercise programs do the work for us since we can’t roll hard 3-5x per week like the young guys.
Thanks again for the great information on a great system.
Jeffery Roark

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