by Michael Senoff | Interview with Mira

In the early 1990s, when Mira worked as a hair stylist for The Price is Right and The Young and the Restless, she moved into a new apartment building and met the gorgeous wife of a famous art director who told her about Heavy Hands. Mira had spent most of her life on a diet, struggling with weight issues and just trying to be normal, so she wasn’t expecting much from Heavy Hands.

Her new friend handed her a set of one-lb weights, and they went for a walk. Mira has never looked back. And in this audio, you’ll hear her amazing story (a journey she estimates is about 35,000 miles on one set alone), and what she’s doing today.

You’ll Also Hear…

· The shocking changes Mira noticed on Heavy Hands – can you really say good-bye to underarm flab?

· The no-brainer way Heavy Hands is just hands-down better than dumbbells when it comes to walking and exercising with weights, and how Mira uses them to propel her workout

· The exact routine Mira was doing at her peak – and the shocking age she was when she reached it

· What Mira is like today, and why she still doesn’t go for a walk without her Heavy Hands

Mira says the best part about Heavy Hands is she can take them anywhere. She doesn’t need an expensive gym or a class to stay in shape. And in this audio, you’ll hear how this “Hollywood secret” has helped her stay fit for the last 25 years. And how you can make it work for you too.

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