His Mom Had a Set of HeavyHands… And Why He Had to Have A Set Too . . .

Adam grew up with HeavyHands because his mom had a set of them, so he saw firsthand how they can help with weight loss and fitness.

And while Adam’s only been using his set for the last couple of weeks, he says the weight’s been coming off like butter.

He walks an 8-mile route, all while lifting the weights above his head, boxing with them, and pumping them.

When his friend reminded him that he’d “better be doing curls.”

Adam’s reply was, “I’m doing about 2,100 of them.”

And all while he’s walking.

He’s lost 40 pounds in the last seven weeks.

And in this audio, you’ll hear the fitness routine he used to get there.

You’ll Also Hear . . .

* Why Adam wants to get a set of heavier weights so he can cut down on his walking — why that might not be such a good idea, and some tips for intensifying and changing up his workout so he gets the added benefits he’s looking for

* The real reason a calorie burning calculator isn’t an accurate way to measure the intensity and resistance of your HeavyHands workout

* The surprising areas you’ll see the weight come off first (and lean muscle appear in its place) – and how to target those areas so you see it even faster

Adam says his weight was all in his chest and gut – but because he’s using all four limbs during his walks, pumping and curling, and mixing it up – he’s already seeing a tremendous difference.

And in this audio, you’ll hear all about it.

Press the play button below.
